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Gerd Uhlig                                                                                                   Berlin, July 01, 2000
P.O.Box 700 332
D-10323 Berlin
F.R. Germany


Ministry of Telecommunications and Works
Telecommunications/Wireless Officer
Mr. Cadette
Dominica, W.I.


Amateur Radio License Application

Dear Sir,

I herewith kindly apply for a Dominican amateur radio guest license.
We are planning a three weeks visit at "Sea Cliff Cottages" / Calibishie from November 8 until November 29, 2000. I am holder of the  German call sign DL7VOG. Enclosed you will find a copy of my German class "B" licence (comparable to the American extra class license), a  copy of my German Passport, a list of my amateur radio equipment and 25 US$.

If I could choose any call sign, please issue J79GU.

Please send the license to my above mentioned home address.

Thank you very much in advance.


Gerd Uhlig