Freunde / Friends

Miika, OH2BAD, visiting us in Berlin
October 1999

Visiting our friend Chet, AB4XK in
Eagle Lake, Florida - 1993/1997/2000
and 2005

         With our XYLs Erika and Kay

Our visitors in SeaLofts/North Frigate Bay on St. Kitts & Nevis - Karl/V44NK, Lawson/V44KO and “Kilo Whisky”/V44KW - November 1999

The “V4ers” meeting in Nevis - from the left:
a German ham/name and call sign unknown,
Karl/V44NK, Conny/V47DA (DL1DA),
Ben/V47BY (DL7BY) and Gerd/V47GU (DL7VOG) - November 1999


Maria Teresa Rodriguez, Secretary of the Liga Colombiana de Radioaficionados, Gerd, HKØGU and Mario, HK3WGQ in Bogota - Nov. 2001

Abel, HKØVGJ and me, HKØGU in
San Andrés 2001/2002.

             With our XYLs Erika and Edilma

Visiting Pedro, HK3JJH in Bogotá - March 2004 and November 2006

Meeting Pedro, HK1XX (ex HK1HHX), in Cartagena, Colombia - March 2004 and November 2006

Carlo, 8P6RY, the Chairman of the
Amateur Radio Society of Barbados and me at the Club Station 8P6AW - 1994

With Tony, 8P6CI
at the Club Station 8P6AW - 1994

George/J75KG (K5KG), Paul/J79APS (K5AF), me/J79GU, Lambert/J73LC (from left to right) and
my XYL Erika and a tourist (kneeling) at “Domcans”,
Calibishie, Dominica 2000 - After Contest Party

George, J75KG (K5KG) in his shack

Rhinehart Pearson, C6ANO, the Secretary
of the Bahamas Amateur Radio Society and
me / New Providence in 1994

Lawson Adams, V44KO, visiting us in Berlin - 2002

Ewe Hakansson, SM7BHM, visiting us in Georgioupoli, Crete - 2003

The “Caribs” at the Ham Radio 2001
Standing from left: Rob/PA5ET,
Dennis/PA7FM, Gerd/DL7VOG,
Sitting from left: Henk/PA3GCV, Emily/P43E, Martin/PA4WM

From left to right: Thomas, DF2KU, Gerd, DL7VOG and Andy, SP9UNX
at the HamRadio - 2001

Meeting Declan, EI6FR, in Dublin - Easter 2001


Ham Vention 2000

With George, W1ZT and Ray, WF1B at the RTTY-meeting

With Nelly, XE1CI and Jody, VP5JM,
at the RTTY-dinner

With Keiji, JA3EVZ and Waldemar, DK3VN,
at the RTTY-dinner

With Ramon, XE1KK,
at the HamRadio in Friedrichshafen, 2002

With the Z3-Guys (from the left) Selim/TA2DS, Chris/Z31GX, Zenko/Z36W, Gerd/DL7VOG, Dragan/Z32XX, Aco/DJØLZ/Z32FD,
kneeling Jan/DJ8NK

With Geza, HA4XG and Laci, HAØHW

At the 4X4 Booth: (from the left) Mark/4Z4KX, Joe/K2VUI,
Gerd/DL7VOG, Shalom/4Z4BS and Jack, PA3AJW

With Wojtek, SP9W and Czes, SP2UKB - Hotel “Rad”

From the left: Baldur/DJ6SI, Czes/SP2UKB,
Gerd/DL7VOG, Jens/DL7AKC - Hotel “Rad”

With Jan, DL7JAN and Rolf, DL7VEE
at the DX Booth

With Kirtscho, DL5ZB

From the left:
Bernd, DF3CB,
Gerd, DL7VOG,
Tom, GM4FDM,
Dima, UA3AGW,
Rob, PA5ET,
Dick, PA3FQA.

From the left: Andy/G3AB, ex G4ZVJ, Roger/G3SXW, Gerd/DL7VOG and Nigel/G3TXF, at the DX-meeting.

With Babs, DL7AFS

Waldemar/DK3VN, Gerd/DL7VOG, Vlad/EU1SA and (unknown) at the Belarus Booth

With Jan, SM5FUG, and Harald, DL7VSN (5H1HS)

With Jan, SM5FUG, and Phil, GUØSUP

With Dieter, OE2DYL, from Salzburg

At the Polish Booth: Wes/SP2DX, Wojtek/SP9P, Gerd/DL7VOG and Czes/SP2UKB (from left to right)

With GWØANA - once ...

... and now - 2009

Ramon, YV5EED, visiting us with his XYL Carmen in Berlin - September 2006

Pedro, HK3JJH, visiting us in Berlin in May 2007.
From the left: Me, Pedro, Cecilia (Pedro’s XYL),
Jörn, DL4TZ and Jörg, DK2AI

Mark, 4Z4KX, with his XYL Frida visiting Berlin in January 2010

A big THANK YOU to our friends Miika, OH2BAD, and XYL Raili for their great hospitality

Hannu in his shack

Christmas cake in OH1XX’s landhouse. From the left: my XYL Erika, Miika, OH2BAD, his XYL Raili, Hannu’s XYL Kati, Hannu, OH1XX and me. 

In Jukka’s shack:
Miika, OH2BAD (standing left), Jukka, OH2BR
(well known as VP6BR), me and XYL Erika

Celebrating the New Year 2009

Visiting Mr. RTTY, Kari, OH2BP (left)

Visiting Ede, HA5BWW - from the left: Ede,
me and Karoly, HA7PC

Exchanging T-shirts

Hungarian Language - NO problem

A nice surprise: Larry, KJ4UY, stays with his
XYL Melanie, K4JUY, in the same pension like us.

Meeting good friends.
From the left: Axel/DL6KVA, Balazs/HAØBY, Gerd/DL7VOG,
Laci/HAØHW, Harald/DL7VSN, Tom/DJ6OI, Tomi/HA4DX
and Joe/OE4VIE